Areas of Specialization
Whether communicating to an audience of 1,500 or addressing a training class of five, Jack Harris delivers practical solutions specifically tailored to benefit your organization. Whether your objective is to prevent small issues from becoming big problems, or to thrive during challenging times, Jack will give your people the tools they need to succeed in business–and in life.
Subjects include:
- Personal resilience
- Change
- Emotional survival
- Work-life balance
- Stress and burnout
- Conflict and anger
- Dealing with difficult people
- Managing disgruntled employees
- Workplace violence
- Trauma and critical incident response
- Management Skill Development
- Communication Skills
Popular Training Topics
“Making the Life You Want”
“Management’s Role in Keeping Good People Good”
“The Courage to Communicate: The Key to Successful Leaders and Managers”
“Staying Resilient in Changing Times”
“Managing Malcontents”
“Leadership through the Ranks”
“Why Good People Make Bad Decisions”
“Why Supervisors Don’t Supervise”
“Thriving in the Seas of Change and Chaos”
“Managing Your Anger Before it Manages You”
“Management Strategies for Preventing Workplace Violence”
“If You’re Not Controlling Your Life, Who Is?”
“Who’s Pushing Your Buttons?”
“Giving Feedback that Matters”
“Why Management by Bestseller is Not Enough”
“Assisting Individuals in Crisis”
“Group Crisis Intervention”